Below are stock stains for our custom cabinets in the available wood species.
We can also match any paint or stain you like.
Raw Wood Species
Rustic Hickory
Knotty Alder
Quarter-Sawn White Oak
Red Oak
Exotic Veneers
Bamboo Veneer
Shale Veneer
Straight Grain Oak Veneer
Toast Walnut Veneer
Maple Stains
Maple Toast
Maple Toast Coffee Glaze
Maple Smoke
Maple Smoke Shadow Glaze
Maple Shell Gray
Maple Shell Gray Shadow Glaze
Maple Poppy Seed
Maple Natural
Maple Java
Maple clove
Maple Clove Black Accent
Maple Cashew
Maple Cashew Coffee Glaze
Maple Butternut
Maple Butternut Coffee Glaze
Maple Allspice
Maple Allspice Black Accent
Cherry Stains
Cherry Weathered “E”
Cherry Allspice Black Accent
Cherry Weathered “D”
Cherry Weathered “B”
Cherry Weathered “A”
Cherry Toast
Cherry Toast Coffee Glaze
Cherry Smoke
Cherry Shell Grey
Cherry Shell Grey Shadow Glaze
Cherry Sesame
Cherry Praline
Cherry Praline Charcoal Glaze
Cherry Poppy Seed
Cherry Patina “G”
Cherry Patina “F”
Cherry Patina “E”
Cherry Patina “D”
Cherry Pebble
Cherry Onyx
Cherry Natural
Cherry Morel
Cherry Morel Charcoal Glaze
Cherry Mocha
Cherry Mission
Cherry Mission Charcoal Glaze
Cherry Mission Black Accent
Cherry Java
Cherry Heirloom “O”
Cherry Heirloom “N”
Cherry Heirloom “L”
Cherry Heirloom “K”
Cherry Heather
Cherry Hazelnut
Cherry Harvest
Cherry Harbor
Cherry Feather
Cherry Feather Black Accent
Cherry Coriander
Cherry Clove
Cherry Clove Black Accent
Cherry Cider
Cherry Chestnut
Cherry Cashew
Cherry Cashew Coffee Glaze
Cherry Caraway
Cherry Caraway Charcoal Glaze
Cherry Cappuccino Charcoal Glaze
Cherry Cappuccino
Cherry Butternut
Cherry Butternut Coffee Glaze
Cherry Allspice
Knotty Alder Stains
Knotty Alder Weathered “E”
Knotty Alder Alabaster
Knotty Alder Weathered “D”
Knotty Alder Weathered “B”
Knotty Alder Weathered “A”
Knotty Alder Toast Coffee Glaze
Knotty Alder Shell Grey Shadow Glaze
Knotty Alder Praline Charcoal Glaze
Knotty Alder Patina “G”
Knotty Alder Patina “F”
Knotty Alder Patina “E”
Knotty Alder Patina “D”
Knotty Alder Mission Charcoal Glaze
Knotty Alder Mission Black Accent
Knotty Alder Heirloom “O”
Knotty Alder Heirloom “N”
Knotty Alder Heirloom “L”
Knotty Alder Heirloom “K”
Knotty Alder Feather Black Accent
Knotty Alder Clove Black Accent
Knotty Alder Cashew Coffee Glaze
Knotty Alder Caraway Charcoal Glaze
Knotty Alder Cappuccino Charcoal Glaze
Knotty Alder Toast
Knotty Alder Shell Grey
Knotty Alder Sesame
Knotty Alder Praline
Knotty Alder Poppy Seed
Knotty Alder Pebble
Knotty Alder Onyx
Knotty Alder Natural
Knotty Alder Morel
Knotty Alder Mocha
Knotty Alder Mission
Knotty Alder Heather
Knotty Alder Hazelnut
Knotty Alder Harbor
Knotty Alder Feather
Knotty Alder Coriander
Knotty Alder Cashew
Knotty Alder Caraway
Knotty Alder Cappuccino
Knotty Alder Butternut
Knotty Alder Brindle
Hickory & Rustic Hickory Stains
Hickory Allspice
Hickory Butternut
Hickory Cappuccino
Hickory Caraway
Hickory Cashew
Hickory Clove
Hickory Mocha
Hickory Morel
Hickory Natural
Hickory Toast
Quarter-Sawn White Oak Stains
Quarter Sawn White Oak Alabaster
Quarter Sawn White Oak Butternut
Quarter Sawn White Oak Cashew
Quarter Sawn White Oak Coriander
Quarter Sawn White Oak Mission
Quarter Sawn White Oak Morel
Quarter Sawn White Oak Natural
Quarter Sawn White Oak Onyx
Quarter Sawn White Oak Praline
Quarter Sawn White Oak Sesame
Quarter Sawn White Oak Toast
Red Oak Stains
Red Oak Butternut
Red Oak Cashew
Red Oak Clove
Red Oak Hazelnut
Red Oak Mission
Red Oak Natural
Red Oak Pebble
Red Oak Praline
Red Oak Toast
Red Oak Weathered “A”
Red Oak Weathered “B”
Red Oak Weathered “D”
Red Oak Weathered “E”
*Finish color, wood grain, knots, and any other wood characteristics may not be accurately depicted in these images. Please come by our showroom to view samples of species and finishes you like to verify characteristics.